Butterfly event at Hillside High School

Pre-K and Kindergarten students visited Hillside High School's Garden Club to tour the new Monarch Butterfly Gardens and participate in activities that mimic the life stages of the Monarch Butterfly. Students joined in story time, yoga, a nature hide-and-seek, squirming through wiggle tunnels and having an upside down hang out session like a caterpillar, being wrapped up in and breaking out of a paper chrysalis, painting, planting seeds, and getting face paint and making seed bombs. The high schoolers had a wonderful time hosting and leading the sessions. All the kids were equally excited to meet each other to teach and learn about Monarch Butterflies and how to save them. Children received butterfly bookmarks and stickers and their classes gifted with and English and Spanish copy of "Monarch, Come Play with Me!" This event was funded by a NJ Sustainable School Grant. Thank you to all the teachers that made this event possible including our Garden Club advisors Mrs. Ambrose and Mrs. Comerchero!