Today, (6/25/2024), W.O.K. Middle School held its 8th-grade promotional ceremony at Woodfield Stadium! Congratulations to all the graduates as they prepare to enjoy the summer, and proceed to the next level as high school students in September! Thank you to Superintendent Glover, Principal Dr. Wilson, Vice-Principals Ms. Elie, and Ms. Scott-Jackson, the Hillside Board of Education, the staff, teachers, and students of W.O.K., and the ceremony's Keynote Speaker. Ms. Atiya Jaha-Rashidi! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #wokmiddleschool #graduation #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
7 days ago, Hillside Public Schools
WOK Graduation on 6/25/2024
WOK Graduation on 6/25/2024
WOK Graduation on 6/25/2024
WOK Graduation on 6/25/2024
WOK Graduation on 6/25/2024
WOK Graduation on 6/25/2024
WOK Graduation on 6/25/2024
WOK Graduation on 6/25/2024
WOK Graduation on 6/25/2024
WOK Graduation on 6/25/2024
Here are just a few photos from Hillside Public Schools' Juneteenth Celebrations! Hillside Public Schools were live on Instagram from each of our public schools with informative, fun, and innovative celebrations for Juneteenth! Great work, and thank you to Hillside Public Schools staff, students, parents, Superintendent Glover, and the Hillside Board of Education! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #juneteenth #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
12 days ago, Hillside Public Schools
Juneteenth Celebrations 2024!
Juneteenth Celebrations 2024!
Juneteenth Celebrations 2024!
Juneteenth Celebrations 2024!
Juneteenth Celebrations 2024!
Juneteenth Celebrations 2024!
Juneteenth Celebrations 2024!
Juneteenth Celebrations 2024!
Juneteenth Celebrations 2024!
Juneteenth Celebrations 2024!
Happy Juneteenth from Hillside Public Schools! "Juneteenth commemorates the day on June 19, 1865 when a Union general read orders in Galveston, Texas stating all enslaved people in the state were free according to federal law. Juneteenth was designated a federal holiday in 2021." #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #juneteenth #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
13 days ago, Hillside Public Schools
Juneteenth image
Good day, tomorrow, June 18th, 2024, Hillside Public Schools will be going live on Instagram from each of our public schools to celebrate Juneteenth! Activities will commence at 8:30 a.m. Please see the flyer with the schedule of tomorrow's Juneteenth visits! Thank you.
15 days ago, Hillside Public Schools
Juneteenth Celebration 2024
Superintendent Glover's 5K Walk for Wellness last Saturday (6/15/2024) was truly a success! Participants walked 12 laps around the Hillside High School Track, exercising their minds and bodies, thank you to everyone in the Hillside Public Schools District and Community in attendance! Thank you, Superintendent Glover, Superintendent's Office staff, Principal Woolard, Hillside High School Staff, Hillside Public Schools' staff, and the Hillside Board of Education! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #hillsidehighschool #5kwalk #health #walking #jogging #newpride #newpossibilities #newpathways
16 days ago, Hillside Public Schools
5K Walk For Wellness
5K Walk For Wellness
5K Walk For Wellness
5K Walk For Wellness
5K Walk For Wellness
5K Walk For Wellness
5K Walk For Wellness
5K Walk For Wellness
5K Walk For Wellness
5K Walk For Wellness
W.O.K.'s Multilingual Newcomers class is exploring summer vocabulary topics! Newcomers are seen here painting seashells and they will discuss and write about what they are looking forward to for the summer! Thank you to Ms. Giro for sharing her class and these pictures with us! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #wokmiddleschool #multilingual #bilingualclasses #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
18 days ago, Hillside Public Schools
W.O.K. Multilingual Learners
W.O.K. Multilingual Learners
W.O.K. Multilingual Learners
W.O.K. Multilingual Learners
W.O.K. Multilingual Learners
W.O.K. Multilingual Learners
Congratulations to all our W.O.K. Middle School students who were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society last night (6/12/2024)! Great work, scholars, and thank you, Principal, Dr. Wilson, Ms.Mathura, Vice-Principals Ms. Scott-Jackson, Ms. Elie, Mr. Strumph, and more for making this all possible! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #wokmiddleschool #nationalhonorsociety #induction #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
19 days ago, Hillside Public Schools
NJHS Induction Ceremony at WOK  6 13 2024
NJHS Induction Ceremony at WOK  6 13 2024
NJHS Induction Ceremony at WOK  6 13 2024
NJHS Induction Ceremony at WOK  6 13 2024
NJHS Induction Ceremony at WOK  6 13 2024
NJHS Induction Ceremony at WOK  6 13 2024
NJHS Induction Ceremony at WOK  6 13 2024
NJHS Induction Ceremony at WOK  6 13 2024
NJHS Induction Ceremony at WOK  6 13 2024
Here are photos from last night's Band Awards Ceremony, which took place at W.O.K. Middle School! Congratulations to all of our talented band students, thank you, Mr. Moore, for leading our band, and thank you, Ms. Mathura, for providing these awesome photos!
20 days ago, Hillside Public Schools
W.O.K. Band Awards Night 2024
W.O.K. Band Awards Night 2024
W.O.K. Band Awards Night 2024
W.O.K. Band Awards Night 2024
W.O.K. Band Awards Night 2024
W.O.K. Band Awards Night 2024
W.O.K. Band Awards Night 2024
W.O.K. Band Awards Night 2024
Stem-based Learning at W.O.K. Middle School! Mr. Lockyer's end-of-the-year harvest was a success! Students grew multiple types of lettuce organically using hydroponics! Great work, Mr. Lockyer's class! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #stemlearning #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
27 days ago, Hillside Public Schools
Hydroponic Lettuce from Mr. Lockyer's Class
On Wednesday, May 29th, the Walter O. Krumbiegel Band held a showcase and recruitment event for all 6th grade students. As our band continues to grow, we are seeking more students to join us on this exciting journey! Thank you to Supervisor of the Band, Mrs. Okparaeke, Band directors, Mr. Moore and Mr. Kelly, Dr. Wilson and the WOK Admin team, the staff and students of Deanna Taylor, Ola Edwards, and Hurden Looker for their support and attention! A very special shoutout to all the Band members including Nyah Joseph, Alyssa Witherspoon, and Dianes Morante for sharing their experiences on what being part of the band means to them! We hope to see you this summer for Band Camp! Please see the Google Form for additional information! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #bandcamp #wokband #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
about 1 month ago, Hillside Public Schools
WOK Band Showcase - May 29th, 2024
WOK Band Showcase - May 29th, 2024
WOK Band Showcase - May 29th, 2024
WOK Band Showcase - May 29th, 2024
WOK Band Showcase - May 29th, 2024
WOK Band Showcase - May 29th, 2024
WOK Band Showcase - May 29th, 2024
WOK Band Showcase - May 29th, 2024
Hillside Public Schools remembers and honors, Memorial Day! "Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military." #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #memorialday #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
about 1 month ago, Hillside Public Schools
Memorial Day remembrance
Attention all, please join Hillside Public Schools on Saturday, June 15th, 2024 for the Superintendent's Walk for Wellness! Taking place at the Hillside High School track, we will start walking at 8:30 a.m. It will be a great day, we can't wait to see you there! Please see the flyer for additional details. #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #walkforwellness #superintendentglover #superintendent #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
about 1 month ago, Hillside Public Schools
5K Walk For Wellness
Last night (5/15/2024) W.O.K. Middle School held its Spring Concert! The auditorium was quite full, and the students performed marvelously! Thank you to our band and strings director Mr. Moore, and Choir Director Mr. Kelly, as well as all of the families, students, teachers, and parents in attendance. Thank you, Principal Dr. Wilson, as well as our Vice-Principals, Ms. Elie, and Ms. Scott-Jackson! Shoutout to Ms. Mathura for providing awesome photos. #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #wokmiddleschool #springconcert #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
about 2 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
WOK Spring Concert 5 15 2024
WOK Spring Concert 5 15 2024
WOK Spring Concert 5 15 2024
WOK Spring Concert 5 15 2024
WOK Spring Concert 5 15 2024
WOK Spring Concert 5 15 2024
WOK Spring Concert 5 15 2024
WOK Spring Concert 5 15 2024
WOK Spring Concert 5 15 2024
WOK Spring Concert 5 15 2024
Photos of our WOK Middle School teachers and staff celebrating Teachers Appreciation Week! Check them out in their new gear! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #wokmiddleschool #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
about 2 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
WOK staff in their new gear !
WOK staff in their new gear !
WOK staff in their new gear !
Hillside Public Schools hosted a very successful ESL and Bilingual Summer Academy Registration event at WOK Middle School Thursday evening! Thank you to Ms. Diggs, Ms. Gastulo of Ola Edwards Community School, Ms. Giro-Zamot, Ms. Mathura and Mr. Langston of WOK Middle School, and Sherill Smith of Central Office for all of their support! #hillsidepublicschools #hillside #esl #bilingual #summeracademies #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
about 2 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
ESL Registration Night - 5 -9 -2024
ESL Registration Night - 5 -9 -2024
ESL Registration Night - 5 -9 -2024
ESL Registration Night - 5 -9 -2024
ESL Registration Night - 5 -9 -2024
Happy National Nurses Week from Hillside Public Schools! Nurses Week 2024 runs from May 6 - 12, "celebrating the invaluable contributions of nurses worldwide!" We'd like to show our love and appreciation for our nurses who care for Hillside Public Schools students and staff! Thank you all! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #schoolnurses #schoolnursesweek #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
about 2 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Nurses Week at Hillside Public Schools
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week from Hillside Public Schools! "Teacher Appreciation Week runs Monday, May 6, to Friday, May 10, 2024. The idea for a week to honor teachers began more than 70 years ago with first lady Eleanor Roosevelt!" Here at Hillside Public Schools we love and appreciate all of our educators, thank you all! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #teacherappreciationweek #teacher #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
about 2 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Teachers Appreciation Week 2024
Happy Principal Appreciation Day from Hillside Public Schools! "Principal Appreciation Day recognizes the hard work that principals do each year as they work to keep the school progressing from year to year." Take a moment to thank all of our hardworking Principals here at Hillside Public Schools! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #principalsappreciationday #principalsday #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
2 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Principal Appreciation Day 2024
Last night (April 24, 2024) W.O.K. Middle School hosted its Junior Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony! "Junior Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society is the only national organization for middle school students that recognizes excellence in the field of Social Studies." Great work W.O.K. scholars, thank you to Rho Kappa's Advisor and Social Studies Teacher Ms. Mathura, and W.O.K. Principal, Dr. Roy Wilson! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #wokmiddleschool #rhokappa #honorssociety #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
2 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Happy Administrative Professionals Day, Hillside Public Schools! "Administrative Professionals Day recognizes and celebrates the work of secretaries, administrative assistants, and other office professionals for their contributions to the workplace. Administrative Professionals Day is always observed on the Wednesday of Administrative Professionals Week!" Thank you for all that you do! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #adminstrativeprofessionalsday #professionalsday #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
2 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Administrative Professionals Day 2024