E.S.L. (English as a Second Language)
The intent of the Hillside Public Schools ESL Program is to ensure that English Language Learners/Multi-Language Learners receive a well-rounded program that includes both English Language Proficiency (e.g., listening, writing, grammar, spelling, composition) and as well as the language needed for academic success in the content areas (e.g. mathematics, science and social studies). We strive to celebrate our ELLs/MLLs cultural backgrounds and diversity while ensuring that our students are successfully acclimated to the routines and structures of American society and schools.
At A.P. Morris, we offer ESL classes in addition to a PreK and Kindergarten Spanish Bilingual class. The intent for the 24-25 school year is to add a 1st grade Bilingual Spanish class as well.
At the Elementary Schools we offer a mix of push-in and push out ESL services depending on students’ needs.
In grades 7-12, we offer tiered services for our students delivered by certified ESL instructors. In grades 9-12, Sheltered Instruction classes are delivered in Math, Science and Social Studies to further support our ELLs/MLLs in content classes.
Supplemental digital supports are delivered via small group instruction, Lexia English, Lexia Power Up and IXL.
Ms. Evelyn Okparaeke
Director of ESL, and World Languages
908-352-7664 ex. 7541
Email: eokparaeke@hillsidek12.org
ESL Parent Advisory Night - March 19th, 2025

Scan the QR Code located on the flyer below to access the ESL Registration Form!