Congratulations!! On Saturday, April 13th, 2024, the Hillside Boys Volleyball team took 2nd Place in the 3rd Annual “Serving Up the Season” Tournament hosted by Paterson Charter School for Science and Technology (PCSST)! Great job Comets! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #volleyball #hillsidehighschool #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
5 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Volleyball Victory in Tournament
Here are some incredible photos from the Hillside Comets Baseball game on April 10th, 2024! Our Comets played a great game against North Star Academy, be sure to show up and support all of our athletic teams throughout the seasons! Thank you, Mr. Frisch, for taking these great photos! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #hillsidehighschool #baseball #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
5 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Baseball - April 10th, 2024
Baseball - April 10th, 2024
Baseball - April 10th, 2024
Baseball - April 10th, 2024
Baseball - April 10th, 2024
Baseball - April 10th, 2024
Baseball - April 10th, 2024
Baseball - April 10th, 2024
Baseball - April 10th, 2024
Baseball - April 10th, 2024
Last night (4/11/2024), Hillside High School hosted a Multicultural Night from 6 - 8 p.m.! Students, staff, and community members gathered in the Hillside High School cafeteria to partake in various foods across different cultures. Students dressed in attires from their countries, and hosted tables providing information about their nation and the featured foods! Great work, Hillside High School, all of the staff, students, and families that made this event a success! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #hillsidehighschool #multiculturalnight #cultures #nations, newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
6 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Multicultural Night at Hillside High School
Multicultural Night at Hillside High School
Multicultural Night at Hillside High School
Multicultural Night at Hillside High School
Multicultural Night at Hillside High School
Multicultural Night at Hillside High School
Multicultural Night at Hillside High School
Multicultural Night at Hillside High School
Multicultural Night at Hillside High School
Multicultural Night at Hillside High School
Here are some amazing photos from the Hillside Comets Softball season opener on April 9th, 2024! Our Lady Comets played a great game against Roselle, be sure to show up and support all of our athletic teams throughout the seasons! Thank you, Mr. Frisch, for taking these awesome photos! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #hillsidehighschool #softball #seasonopener #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
6 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Softball Season Opener - Comets 4/9/2024
Softball Season Opener - Comets 4/9/2024
Softball Season Opener - Comets 4/9/2024
Softball Season Opener - Comets 4/9/2024
Softball Season Opener - Comets 4/9/2024
Softball Season Opener - Comets 4/9/2024
Softball Season Opener - Comets 4/9/2024
Softball Season Opener - Comets 4/9/2024
Softball Season Opener - Comets 4/9/2024
Hillside High School’s Student Council Earns National Award! Hillside, NJ (April 2024). For its exemplary record of leadership, service, and activities that improve the school and community, the Hillside High School Student Council, @hillsidestuco has been recognized as a 2024 National Council of Excellence by the National Association of Student Councils ( (NASC)! The NASC program is supported by its parent organization, the National Association of Secondary School Principals ( (NASSP). The Hillside High School Student Council raises money for the Cooperman Barnabas Breast Center in Livingston, NJ; produces school-wide events to promote a positive school climate and culture like their annual PowderPuff Football Game, Wing Off, and Cupcake Wars, to name a few. They are also a proud member of the New Jersey Association of Student Councils (NJASC) where they are regularly recognized for there positive contributions to their immediate community, and the community at large! “Receiving a National Council of Excellence Award reflects the amazing dedication of the students and school to make their community a better place,” said NASSP @nassp CEO Ronn Nozoe. "Hillside High School has gone above and beyond in elevating student voice to ensure they are establishing a positive climate and culture, as well as fostering academic and social growth for all.” A student council must meet a variety of criteria to earn the National Council of Excellence Award. In addition to basic requirements such as a written constitution, regular meetings, and a democratic election process, the councils must have demonstrated successful sponsorship and participation in activities such as leadership development and service to the school and community. Learn more about the National Council of Excellence Awards ( Great work @hillsidestuco, and @mrsdeutschhhs !! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #studentcouncil #hillsidehighschool #nassp #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
6 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Hillside High School StuCo Excellence Award Win!
Hillside High School StuCo Excellence Award Win!
Hillside High School StuCo Excellence Award Win!
Shoutout to @hillsideabroad, 12 of our very own Hillside High School students participated in an educational trip to London and Scotland! Students also visited Edinburgh, Scotland, can you tell that they are having an amazing time? Thank you, Mr. Skelton, Ms. Andino, and our Hillside High School staff! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #hillsideabroad #classtrip #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
6 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Hillside Seniors Abroad in the UK
Hillside Seniors Abroad in the UK
Hillside Seniors Abroad in the UK
Hillside Seniors Abroad in the UK
Hillside Seniors Abroad in the UK
Hillside Seniors Abroad in the UK
Hillside Seniors Abroad in the UK
Hillside Seniors Abroad in the UK
Hillside Seniors Abroad in the UK
Hillside Seniors Abroad in the UK
Happy Earth Month from Hillside Public Schools! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #earthmonth #earthday #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
6 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Earth Month at Hillside Public Schools
On Friday, March 22nd, 2023, Hillside High School's TV production & Film Department hosted a TV & Film Alumni Assembly! The alumni who returned were: Dr. Pilar Scratch - class of 2009, Amir Combs - class of 2009, and Ahmanda Jackson -class of 2011. Thank you to Ms. Della Cuna for organizing this great assembly to speak to and inspire our current TV & Film students! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #tvandfilm #hillsidehighschool #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
6 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
TV & Film Alumni Assembly
TV & Film Alumni Assembly
TV & Film Alumni Assembly
TV & Film Alumni Assembly
TV & Film Alumni Assembly
TV & Film Alumni Assembly
Hillside Public School Principals and Superintendent Glover engaged in professional learning at Deanna G. Taylor Academy today (3/27/2024). A great day of leaders collaborating together to norm their practices! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #professionaldevelopment #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
6 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Hillside Principals at Deanna Taylor for professional development
Hillside Principals at Deanna Taylor for professional development
Hillside Principals at Deanna Taylor for professional development
Roz Thompson of AAA Northeast presented Hillside High School Students; Jordan Givens and Daschielle Puello with the 2024 Safe Driver Education Awards! Driver Education teachers Jim Hopke and John Hutchinson nominated the award winners. Congratulations students, and great work teachers! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #AAA #aaanortheast #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities #driverseducation
6 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
AAA Northeast Award to HHS students
AAA Northeast Award to HHS students
AAA Northeast Award to HHS students
AAA Northeast Award to HHS students
Hillside High School hosted its blood drive with Vitalant today (3/26/2024)! Thank you to Mrs. DeSanto for organizing the drive with the National Honor Society and @hillsidestuco, and thank you to everyone who donated blood. Here are some shots from the drive, we collected over 25 pints of blood! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #blooddrive #hillsidehighschool #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
6 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Blood Drive at Hillside High School
Blood Drive at Hillside High School
Blood Drive at Hillside High School
Blood Drive at Hillside High School
Blood Drive at Hillside High School
Blood Drive at Hillside High School
Blood Drive at Hillside High School
Blood Drive at Hillside High School
Blood Drive at Hillside High School
Hillside High School hosted their Women's Month "Our Ladies to Women program" earlier today, March 25, 2024! Hillside High School staff, Alumni, Board of Education members, police officers, and more set up vendor tables in the High School Media Center. Our female leaders spoke with Hillside High School girls about various career options, school opportunities, and resources available to ensure the success of our girls in society! Thank you Guidance Counselor Ms. Mullins, Vice-Principal Bartholomew, our volunteer vendors, and all of the women of Hillside Public Schools who made this event possible! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #womensmonth #womenshistorymonth #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
6 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Women's Fair at Hillside High School 3 25 2024
Women's Fair at Hillside High School 3 25 2024
Women's Fair at Hillside High School 3 25 2024
Women's Fair at Hillside High School 3 25 2024
Women's Fair at Hillside High School 3 25 2024
Women's Fair at Hillside High School 3 25 2024
Women's Fair at Hillside High School 3 25 2024
Women's Fair at Hillside High School 3 25 2024
Women's Fair at Hillside High School 3 25 2024
Women's Fair at Hillside High School 3 25 2024
Mrs. DeSanto at Hillside High School hosted a Blood Drive Assembly yesterday, March 19th, 2024! Mr. Vittore Silversteri came to the High School auditorium to speak to our Seniors about the need for blood donations, and to encourage students to donate. A blood drive is being hosted by the National Honor Society and Hillside StuCo through a company called Vitalant, and is on March 26, 2024, from 8:30 to 1:30 in the High School gymnasium! @hillsidestuco #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities #blooddrive
6 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Blood Drive Assembly at Hillside High School on 3/19/2024
Blood Drive Assembly at Hillside High School on 3/19/2024
Blood Drive Assembly at Hillside High School on 3/19/2024
Blood Drive Assembly at Hillside High School on 3/19/2024
Blood Drive Assembly at Hillside High School on 3/19/2024
Blood Drive Assembly at Hillside High School on 3/19/2024
Blood Drive Assembly at Hillside High School on 3/19/2024
Blood Drive Assembly at Hillside High School on 3/19/2024
Blood Drive Assembly at Hillside High School on 3/19/2024
Blood Drive Assembly at Hillside High School on 3/19/2024
The Hillside High School Cafeteria was packed yesterday (3/20/2024) for Hillside High School's Rock, Paper, Scissors competition! Check out these great photos captured during the event! @hillsidestuco #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #rockpaperscissors #hillsidehighschool #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
6 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Rock, Paper, Scissors Competition at Hillside High School
Rock, Paper, Scissors Competition at Hillside High School
Rock, Paper, Scissors Competition at Hillside High School
Rock, Paper, Scissors Competition at Hillside High School
Rock, Paper, Scissors Competition at Hillside High School
Rock, Paper, Scissors Competition at Hillside High School
Congratulations to the Academic Decathlon Team on making the Top Ten in the State Competition on Saturday, March 2, 2024! The team came in tenth place out of the sixteen teams competing! Josylin Alvarez received a Bronze Medal in Language and Literature. Christian Ortiz received a Bronze Medal in the Essay category. Pranay Talati received an Honorable Mention in the Speech category. Nosamudiana Omoigui received the Gold Medal in Speech with the second-highest score in the state. In addition, Nosamudiana was named the MVP of the competition. Coach Mandy and Coach Corritore are very proud of the work the team has done. The team is excited to continue climbing the ranks in next year's competition! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #academicdecathlon #newpride #newpathway #newpossibilities
7 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Academic Decathlon Team in the top 10!
Academic Decathlon Team in the top 10!
Academic Decathlon Team in the top 10!
Academic Decathlon Team in the top 10!
Academic Decathlon Team in the top 10!
Academic Decathlon Team in the top 10!
Academic Decathlon Team in the top 10!
Academic Decathlon Team in the top 10!
Academic Decathlon Team in the top 10!
Congratulations to our Hillside High School girls track team, who is doing big things this weekend at Nike Indoor Invitational! Our girls won first place in the 4x200 Meter Relay!! Keep up the great work Comets!
7 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Nike Invitational, Hillside Girls Track
Nike Invitational, Hillside Girls Track
Superintendent Glover's Strategic Planning Session #2 is in the books, another great and insightful meeting of community minds! The goal of these strategic planning sessions is to ideate and collaborate on ways to improve Hillside Public Schools, and continue to build resources for our students in various ways! The final Strategic planning session will be held on March 18th, at Hurden Looker Elementary School, we need everyone to show up for the final meeting! See you then. #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #strategicplanningsession #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
7 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Strategic Planning Session - March 7th, 2024
Strategic Planning Session - March 7th, 2024
Strategic Planning Session - March 7th, 2024
Strategic Planning Session - March 7th, 2024
Strategic Planning Session - March 7th, 2024
Strategic Planning Session - March 7th, 2024
Were you at the opening night of "AIDA" at Hillside High School ?? If not, you have two more chances to watch this spectacular play hosted by @hhs.performingarts tonight (3/8/2024) and Saturday (3/9/2024)! Great opening students!
7 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
AIDA opening night at Hillside High School !
AIDA opening night at Hillside High School!
AIDA opening night at Hillside High School!
AIDA opening night at Hillside High School!
AIDA opening night at Hillside High School!
AIDA opening night at Hillside High School!
AIDA opening night at Hillside High School!
AIDA opening night at Hillside High School!
AIDA opening night at Hillside High School!
AIDA opening night at Hillside High School!
Thank you @keanuniversity choir for visiting Hillside High School earlier this afternoon and singing for our students! After Kean's choir serenaded the Hillside High School student body, cast members from Hillside High School's "AIDA" performed a song from the play! Thank you, Mr. Corritore, for organizing this visit from Kean University, great job Kean choir, and students! Be sure to see "AIDA" at Hillside High School on March 7, 8, and 9th, 2024. #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #hillsidehighschool #keanuniversity #choir #aida #schoolplay
7 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Kean choir at Hillside High School
Kean choir at Hillside High School
Kean choir at Hillside High School
Kean choir at Hillside High School
Kean choir at Hillside High School
Kean choir at Hillside High School
Kean choir at Hillside High School
Kean choir at Hillside High School
Kean choir at Hillside High School
Kean choir at Hillside High School
Hillside Public Schools District students, we have another challenge for you! March is for reading, and our district is challenging each of you to read 5 books by the end of the month. Let's get it, let's go!
7 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
March Reading Challenge