As per Hillside Board of Education policy, uniforms are mandatory and must be worn daily to school. Uniforms promote pride in school and help students focus on their studies instead of fashion trends. Uniforms are also more affordable for parents than the current brand name clothing being sold. Uniforms must be worn on school field trips. (Board policy # 5511). Dress must be clean and neat. Belts are to be worn so pants are not falling down.
Khaki pants
Khaki shorts
Khaki skirts
Navy tops
Uniforms can be purchased at Kids Place 126 Board St. Elizabeth or any other dept. store.
In addition to the above uniform, students must also adhere to the dress code details below. School administrators reserve the right to contact parents/guardians and exclude any student who does not meet the dress code and uniform standard.
Coats/hoodies should not be worn during the school day, including breakfast and lunch times. They should be stored in the student’s locker/coat closet.
No jewelry, watches, or bracelets are allowed, with the exception of small button earrings.
Sneakers must be tied correctly with a bow on the outside of the shoe.
The shirt and/or blouse must meet the pants and/or jeans, trousers, slacks, skirts.
Excessively short shorts. Mid-thigh to knee are acceptable. (Rule of thumb: bottom of shorts should reach fingertips when arms are at sides).
Bare midriffs, halters, tank tops or any articles of clothing which display excessive nudity.
Open-toe shoes, backless sandals, crocs, flip-flops, slippers, and bare feet are not acceptable.
Clothing that is not clean or is excessively soiled is not acceptable.
Any item which displays indecent writing, pictures, or slogans is not permitted.
Any articles which could cause damage to self, other persons, or property.
Sunglasses without a prescription or medical excuse may not be worn in the school.
No head gear (i.e., bandanas, large headbands, or bows) is allowed. Hats, scarves, or any type of head covering are not to be worn in the school, with the exception of religious head coverings (prior approval by the principal is needed). Hats worn in school will be confiscated and returned to a parent.
Open back shoes are not permitted. Students who do not wear proper shoes will not be permitted to class until proper shoe attire is provided.
Parent/guardian will be contacted to bring a change of clothing if students do not adhere to the dress code.
Students who do not comply with the uniform policy/dress code are ineligible to participate in school activities throughout the year. Students who publicly represent the school at any activity away from the school are required to dress in full accordance with the reasonable expectations of the staff member in charge of the activity. Students unwilling to comply with this requirement disqualify themselves from participation.
If there is a financial difficulty in purchasing uniforms, please contact the principal. All requests for assistance or grace will be kept confidential.
Gym Days
Blue school uniform shirt
Solid blue sweatpants with an elastic waist may be worn on gym days ONLY. Sweatpants should not have any logos, stripes, etc.
Sneakers must be worn.