Ola Edwards' Vision and Mission Statements
“Together Everyone Achieves More”
Mission Statement
Ola Edwards Community School is a community that embraces the strengths, needs and diversity of all students. We celebrate students and their families as we strive to develop communication skills, independence, deep understanding, technological awareness, lifelong learners, and excellent character.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to foster a learning environment with high academic standards where all students are safe, nurtured and encouraged to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens. Together, we create a positive learning environment for all.
Our Core Values
All students can and will learn.
We believe every child is a genius and can achieve at high levels through hard work, creativity, persistence, and support from others.
High-quality instruction and curricula opportunities is central to our work.
We believe in offering students academically challenging curricula experiences with high quality researched based support and practices from caring adults.
Schools are learning organizations.
We believe an organization that learns together-grows together and its imperative to model lifelong learning.
Parents and families are our partners.
We believe in providing opportunities for impactful collaboration between parents and community partners that fosters student success.
We believe in removing any barriers that impede the success of all children.
Code of Conduct
Bullying is not allowed in our school or on the bus.
Use of kind words – no teasing, name calling, or putting others down in school or on the bus.
We show self-control by keeping our hands and feet to ourselves in school and on the bus.
We will make sure that everyone is included and no one is left out.
We will speak up and stop bullying (if we can) or go for help right away.
We treat each other with kindness and respect at all times in school and on the bus.
We respect each other’s property (school property, too).
We look for the good in others and value differences.