Congratulations to Hillside High School Senior, D'Antagnan Siddons, who earlier today (4/26/2024) announced his commitment to Fairleigh Dickinson University - Florham Campus, where he will be continuing his basketball career. Hillside Public Schools is very proud of D'Antagnan, as are his classmates, family, friends, and @hillsidestuco! Continue to do great things! @fdu_devils @fduwhatsnew #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #hillsidehighschool #fdu #fdudevils #mensbasketball #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Signing Day for D'Antagnan Siddons at Hillside High School
Signing Day for D'Antagnan Siddons at Hillside High School
Signing Day for D'Antagnan Siddons at Hillside High School
This morning, April 26th, 2024, the Hillside High School Auditorium was packed with students, parents, and staff during the 3rd marking period Honor Roll Breakfast at Hillside High School! Congratulations to all of the scholars who earned Superintendent's Scholar Designation, High Honor Roll, and Honor Roll! As always, thank you to our Guidance Department, Superintendent Glover, Principal Woolard, Mr. McCoy, the Hillside Board of Education, our Hillside Directors, Supervisors, Administration and staff! We'd like to thank all of the parents, and families who attended the Honor Roll Breakfast as well! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #honorrollbreakfast #honorroll #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Honor Roll Breakfast on April 26, 2024
Honor Roll Breakfast on April 26, 2024
Honor Roll Breakfast on April 26, 2024
Honor Roll Breakfast on April 26, 2024
Honor Roll Breakfast on April 26, 2024
Honor Roll Breakfast on April 26, 2024
Honor Roll Breakfast on April 26, 2024
Honor Roll Breakfast on April 26, 2024
Honor Roll Breakfast on April 26, 2024
Honor Roll Breakfast on April 26, 2024
Fun, interactive learning in action! Science at Ola Edwards Community School courtesy of Ms. Altenor's class! Students investigated whether sunlight can generate electricity using solar panels, and tested motors in the shade vs. in the sunlight! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #olaedwards #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Science at Ola Edwards Community School !
Science at Ola Edwards Community School !
Science at Ola Edwards Community School !
Last night (April 24, 2024) W.O.K. Middle School hosted its Junior Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony! "Junior Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society is the only national organization for middle school students that recognizes excellence in the field of Social Studies." Great work W.O.K. scholars, thank you to Rho Kappa's Advisor and Social Studies Teacher Ms. Mathura, and W.O.K. Principal, Dr. Roy Wilson! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #wokmiddleschool #rhokappa #honorssociety #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony 4 24 2024
Here's a photo of Hurden Looker Student Sa’ad, with Principal Wolff and Vice-Principal Pinho, receiving his certificate and gift card as the winner of the Lions Club Black History Month Essay Contest! Great work, Sa'ad! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #hurdenlooker #lionsclub #blackhistorymonth #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Hurden Looker Lion's Club Winner 2024
Happy Administrative Professionals Day, Hillside Public Schools! "Administrative Professionals Day recognizes and celebrates the work of secretaries, administrative assistants, and other office professionals for their contributions to the workplace. Administrative Professionals Day is always observed on the Wednesday of Administrative Professionals Week!" Thank you for all that you do! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #adminstrativeprofessionalsday #professionalsday #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Administrative Professionals Day 2024
Ms. Zinstein's 4th-grade class at Ola Edwards Community School demonstrated exceptional behavior as they savored the weather while engaging in a relaxing moment with the School Social Worker, Mrs. Sanchez! The students learned deep breathing exercises as coping strategies during stressful moments. Thank you, Mrs. Sanchez and our Hillside Public Schools staff for cultivating social-emotional learning within and outside of our classrooms! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #socialemotionallearning #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
SEL class hosted by Mrs. Sanchez
Hillside Public Schools Principals Meeting with Superintendent Glover to review instructional practices. Excellence in action! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #principalsmeeting #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Principal's Meeting on 4/23/2024
Principal's Meeting on 4/23/2024
Principal's Meeting on 4/23/2024
Principal's Meeting on 4/23/2024
Principal's Meeting on 4/23/2024
Principal's Meeting on 4/23/2024
Principal's Meeting on 4/23/2024
Principal's Meeting on 4/23/2024
Principal's Meeting on 4/23/2024
Principal's Meeting on 4/23/2024
Mrs. Awad's A Day class at W.O.K. Middle school (with 2 understudies from Public Speaking B Day) performed a scene and song from the famous musical production Annie for Mr. Lockyear's and Ms. Goglia's classes! The audience smiled from ear to ear during the performance! The cast stayed after the performance for a Q&A session, where they were asked great questions about their ambitions in theater and what they did to prepare themselves for the skit. Quite a few audience members even asked for autographs! It was a great educational experience for all involved and a wonderful way for our students to respectfully interact and learn from one another. #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #annie #theater #playproduction #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Annie Mini at W.O.K. Middleschol
Annie Mini at W.O.K. Middle School
Today is National School Bus Driver Appreciation Day! Hillside Public Schools would like to say thank you to our Hillside Public Schools Bus Drivers for transporting our students safely every day. We appreciate you and the job that you do! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #busdriverappreciation #schoolsafety #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Bus Driver Appreciation Photo
"School Safety and Security Directors, Standing United!" (Front row) Karim Arnold - Hillside Public Schools Barry Harris - Englewood Board of Education Myron Cox - Camden Board of Education (Rear) Paul Morgan - Teaneck Board of Education Rudy Snelling - Jersey City Board of Education Levi Holmes - Newark Board of Education Dalton Price - Paterson Board of Education Thank you to all of our School Safety and Security Directors for constantly working to keep OUR CHILDREN SAFE! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #schoolsafety #schoolsecurity #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
School Safety Officers United
Attention all, please join us here at Hillside Public Schools on Sunday, April 28th, 2024, for an Autism Awareness and Acceptance Event! Taking place at Ola Edwards Community School from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. there will be a petting zoo, balloon artists, and more! See you there! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #autismawareness #autism #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Autism Acceptance Flyer for 4/28/2024
On April 19th, drama and dance students from Hillside High School attended Theatre Days at Montclair State University! They attended an informational session about the degree programs in theatre available at MSU and then took workshops in Acting, Musical Theatre Singing & Dance, Production Design, or Stage Combat with members of the MSU faculty and guest teaching artists. The day was finished with a matinee performance of Duke Ellington’s Sophisticated Ladies presented by MSU’s Theatre Department! #hillsidenj #newjersey #nj #hillsidepublicschools #montclairstateuniversity #msu #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities #@montclairstateu
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Hillside High School’s trip to MSU
Hillside High School’s trip to MSU
Hillside High School’s trip to MSU
Hillside High School’s trip to MSU
Hillside High School’s trip to MSU
Hillside High School’s trip to MSU
Happy Earth Day from Hillside Public Schools! Let's all do our part to take care of the planet we call home. #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #earthday #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Earth Day 2024
Last night, April 18, 2024, Hurden Looker Elementary School inducted 12 students in grades 4-6 into the National Elementary Honor Society! These students have to have a minimum of a 93% average (all S’s or higher) on their report cards and be involved in the school and community in some manner! Congratulations students, and thank you, Principal Wolff, and Vice-Principal Pinho! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #hurdenlooker #honorsociety #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Hurden Looker Elementary Induction Ceremony
Hurden Looker Elementary Induction Ceremony
Hurden Looker Elementary Induction Ceremony
Hurden Looker Elementary Induction Ceremony
Hurden Looker Elementary Induction Ceremony
Hurden Looker Elementary Induction Ceremony
The Hillside Innovation Academy Software Development Program, facilitated by our consultant Drew Enterprises, LLC., held our 3rd Annual Hack-a-Thon on Saturday, April 13th. The theme of this year’s competition was “Teens in Crises." Scholars developed websites that provide information surrounding various topics of conflicts faced by teens as communicated via media outlets (news, online platforms, personal experiences, health organizations, etc.). 6 teams made it to the final round with the group Codigo Latino winning. Codigo Latino group included scholars Jeremy Quiros, Benjamin Balladares, Julian Silva, and Onyz Sanchez! The judges were impressed with this group as they incorporated a chatbox in their code, that provided the visitor with the ability to ask any question and receive a response as well as translate the webpage to Spanish. Congratulations on taking home the winning prize of $500 and certificates to all who made it to the final round. Excellent work Hillside Innovation Academy Scholars, Dr. Drew, and H.I.A. Principal, Dr. Silva! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #hackathon #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities #coding
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Hillside Innovation Academy scholar Nathan Jovinski represented HIA, and soccer team Ironbound in the IBERCUP International Youth Tournament in Cascais, Portugal from March 28th through March 31st, 2024! Ibercup is known for its diverse and international field of participants. Teams come from various countries across Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, and South America, creating a culturally rich and competitive environment! We are so proud of Nathan, and we know he had fun. Take a look in the gallery for more photos of Nathan's experience! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #ibercup#hillsidesoccer #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Nathan Jovinski playing soccer in Portugal over Spring Break!
Nathan Jovinski playing soccer in Portugal over Spring Break!
Nathan Jovinski playing soccer in Portugal over Spring Break!
Nathan Jovinski playing soccer in Portugal over Spring Break!
Nathan Jovinski playing soccer in Portugal over Spring Break!
Nathan Jovinski playing soccer in Portugal over Spring Break!
Nathan Jovinski playing soccer in Portugal over Spring Break!
Nathan Jovinski playing soccer in Portugal over Spring Break!
Nathan Jovinski playing soccer in Portugal over Spring Break!
On Wednesday, April 17th, 2024, 41 students from Hillside High School were treated to a vibrant celebration of Latin American and Spanish culture! The auditorium at the Breslin Performing Arts Center at Felician University, in Lodi NJ, transformed into a stage showcasing the rich tapestry of music and dance from across the region! Students swayed to the infectious rhythms of Salsa, with its roots in both Puerto Rico and Cuba. The dancers' intricate footwork and playful energy had the audience clapping along. Argentina took center stage next, with the passionate intensity of the Tango and the lively footwork of La Chacarera. Colombia brought the heat with El Vallenato's romantic melodies and the infectious energy of La Champeta. Students even had a taste of Spain's cultural richness, with the energetic El Chotis from Madrid and the mesmerizing spectacle of a live Tablao Flamenco. This showcase was a true testament to the incredible cultural richness of Latin America and Spain, leaving everyone wanting to learn more and move to the rhythm! Thank you to Mrs. Evelyn Okparaeke, Mrs. Vargas, Mrs. Moraga, Ms. Andino, and Madame Nezius from the World Language Department for taking our scholars to this cultural event! @felician_university #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #worldlanguage #felicianuniversity #hillsidehighschool #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Hillside High School's Trip to Felician University
Hillside High School's Trip to Felician University
Hillside High School's Trip to Felician University
Hillside High School's Trip to Felician University
Hillside High School's Trip to Felician University
Hillside High School's Trip to Felician University
Hillside High School's Trip to Felician University
Hillside High School's Trip to Felician University
Hillside High School's Trip to Felician University
Hillside High School's Trip to Felician University
Each October, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Hillside High School Student Council raises money to benefit the Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center’s Breast Center! On Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 the Student Council members, with their advisor, Mrs. Noreen Deutsch, were presented with a plaque to acknowledge them for their continued support of and partnership with the Breast Center! The community outreach efforts of HHS StuCo are commendable and we offer them congratulations! @CoopermanBarnabas @margieheller @mrsdeutschhhs @hillsidestuco #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #breastcancerawareness #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities #breastcancer
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
Hillside High School StuCo receives award for breast cancer contributions
On Wednesday, April 17th, 2024, Hillside Innovation Academy hosted a Recognition Event to celebrate and acknowledge the amazing recent achievements of their scholars! Superintendent Glover attended and provided opening remarks, and Ms. Graves-Watson, founder of the Hillside Branch of the NAACP presented awards to the winners of the Charlotte Jones Essay Contest. Assemblywoman Garnet Hall, and H.I.A. Founder, Mr. Anthony Salters recognized the winners and participants of the Stock Market Challenge hosted by the Zeta Nu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity! Participating teams from the Hack-A-Thon were also recognized and awarded! The Zeta Nu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., in collaboration with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (US-SEC), is thrilled to announce the resounding success of the 4th Annual ZNL Stock Market Challenge. This innovative financial literacy initiative aimed to empower students in grades 7-12 with essential investing skills. The 4-week virtual program, held on Thursdays throughout March, provided an unparalleled opportunity for participants to delve into the world of long-term investing. Attendees, from various backgrounds and experiences, engaged in interactive workshops covering fundamental investing concepts, operated their own diversified virtual investment portfolios, and honed their financial literacy skills in a dynamic and supportive environment. The event garnered participation from over 113 talented students and culminated in the recognition of top performers. Among the distinguished winners were: • Udoka Ehikwe • Silmary Silverio • Martide Glaude • Aliyah Isola-Gbenla • Jane Igiri These exceptional students collectively achieved a total return on investment (ROI) amounting to $23,058.87. Their outstanding performance earned them prestigious accolades along with a $100 cash prize each. Additionally, they will have the exclusive opportunity to collaborate with chapter brothers to establish an E*Trade custodial account and invest their winnings in real stocks of their choice! Incredible work, Dr. Nicole Silva, H.I.A Principal, H.I.A. scholars, and staff!
3 months ago, Hillside Public Schools
H.I.A. Recognition Ceremony on April 17 2024
H.I.A. Recognition Ceremony on April 17 2024
H.I.A. Recognition Ceremony on April 17 2024
H.I.A. Recognition Ceremony on April 17 2024
H.I.A. Recognition Ceremony on April 17 2024
H.I.A. Recognition Ceremony on April 17 2024
H.I.A. Recognition Ceremony on April 17 2024
H.I.A. Recognition Ceremony on April 17 2024
H.I.A. Recognition Ceremony on April 17 2024
H.I.A. Recognition Ceremony on April 17 2024