Today, (6/13/2024), Ola Edwards Community School hosted its Iron Chef: Battle Pasta competition! This was the first time an Iron Chef Competition was held in an elementary school! 6th-grade students from Ola Edwards were the chefs, divided into 4 teams: A, B, C, and D, and they were tasked with creating the best pasta dish, utilizing ingredients provided by @maschiofood! Each dish was sampled and scored by a panel of adult judges (staff from Hillside Public Schools). Our chefs' classmates also joined the fun, entering the cafeteria to cheer and support their peers! Shoutout to our Food Services Department staff, @maschiofood, Superintendent Glover, Principal Davis, Vice-Principal Diggs, Ola Edwards staff, and the phenomenal students for making this contest a hit! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #ironchef #competition #olaedwardscommunityschool #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities

Iron Chef Competition at Ola Edwards Community School!
June 13, 2024